
Husband Escort

Your husband WILL escort you during the Evening Gown Competition.   

Husband Should Wear:  Suit and Tie or Tux (Your Choice)  (Do Not Rent a Tux – Most husbands wear suits)

Husband Information about Escorting You!
Your husband will remain seated in the theater until the host requests husbands to come to the side of the stage to be in position to escort you in the Evening Gown Competition

It will not be necessary for your husband to rehearse.  He is your escort.  You and he will walk to a spot on the stage and stop.  You will continue to walk the competition pattern, return to him and walk off the stage together.  He will then return to his seat in the theater.

If your children are attending the pageant be sure you have someone to take care of them while your husband escorts you.

If your husband cannot escort you…i.e.,….he is in service or out of town….the husband of another contestant will always volunteer to fill in for your husband.  The host will also announce that you are being escorted by John Doe.  The judges are instructed that this should not have any negative reflection on you in the evening gown competition.